On the 3rd of August, instead of meeting at the Old Town Café which was almost becoming our regular meeting grounds, we decided to meet up at the Malay Tea House at Central Market, KL. Its got a really quiet ambience which was just what we needed for our meeting. Quite an interesting place with servings of special Malay Teas.
At this point of our project, extra help was greatly needed and we are fortunate to have 2 additional people to join us to mobilize the project. They are Teh Chen Yee and Chua Chinn Yin, fresh graduates from LUCT. We briefly described to them the background of the project and the potential job task they will be involved in and we are delighted that they were enthusiastic about it! Yes, they are certainly a blessing to us at this point!
One of the primary reasons we had this meeting was to also finalize the poster designs. Seeing that the exhibition is starting in 3 weeks time, we needed to make ready the various publicity items on time, thus, everyone's creativity input was put to the table for a final critique session on the poster designs. No time was wasted as Meng edited the works simultaneously as suggestions were made ;) We also had this idea of coming out with an exhibition handbook that will focus on providing information on the exhibited works of the participating artist in the project. Chang Hwang came up with a sample write up on it and the translation roles were tentatively handed over to our 2 new team mates to work on it. Several other matters that were also brought to attention were discussions on details of the film screening as well as the art tour. That's certainly 2 things not to be missed!
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