What is the central concept that governs your work?
Retrieval of stories through fun and play.
What engages you as an artist? What issues engages you? Does it drive your direction of work in any particular area?
Stories, anecdotes, history. Visuality and enjoyment of sensorial experiences.
In your opinion, do you consider yourself a contemporary artist?
Yes, I do.
What do you think is the role of a contemporary artist in society?
The late Ismail Zain once said that contemporary art should reflect the impinging values of the society at that point in time. In these times, the "impinging values" are so wide and varied, and visual art has absorbed anything sensorial into its realm – easel painting, performance, media, film and video, architecture, activism, etc.
Do you think the role of a contemporary artist has changed from the 20th century to the 21st century within the social structure of society? Has this effect/influence your practice of art in relation to this shift/change?
I would argue for a more open, pliant and malleable notion of contemporary art, particularly in trying to activate, or even challenge, the senses there and then rather than attempt to hope for a post-experience criticality, reflexivity. The now seems as important as the "post". The retrieval and activation the sensorial for the audience, the element of play and as valid as the social and political.
Who’d you like to meet (passed on/alive) if you had the chance to?
What is the most recent book you’ve read?
Multitude, Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri
Do you have a favourite superhero? Who?
What would you be doing if you were not an artist?
A man of leisure, a farmer, a doctor.
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