What is the central concept that governs your work?
The content centres around the idea of the bell as a marker of time and how we respond to it. The form, in this case sound and an object, is a continuing conceptual concern of mine – that is, how do we perceive the world through sound and inversely how does our awareness and articulation of sound affect the world we create. I could go on about spatial and object identification through sound, sound as a material, relationships between sound and image but these are inevitable concerns when an artist uses sound.
What inspires you? What do you do to get inspired? What inspires your work?
I find nature inspiring – oceans, rivers, jungle the sky. Also I am inspired by the way human agency (what we do to get by) adapts and manipulates current situations and how we are in turn affected by them. Creativity in others inspires me, a good story, worksongs and workers, particular writers, cities, the great unknown, deadlines.
To get inspired I like to get out of the city and have a chat with nature, read, hang out with friends, do something, talk to a stranger. My work is inspired by what I see and hear around me day to day. Trying to live and be in the moment inspires my work while at the same time trying to find a balance or coexistence between an idea and an expression.
What engages you as an artist? What issues engages you? Does it drive your direction of work in any particular area?
While I don’t think my work is political in an obvious way I do consider my work to be of a political nature, dealing with social issues. These are, I think, not in relation to current events directly but more to do with how people deal with each other and the world on a more personal level. I am constantly amazed by the enormous differences in peoples living conditions who may live “next door” to each other.
In your opinion, do you consider yourself a contemporary artist?
I’m not exactly sure what a contemporary artist is but I think I am one.
What do you think is the role of a contemporary artist in society?
To find the truth.
Do you think the role of a contemporary artist has changed from the 20th century to the 21st century within the social structure of society? Has this effect/influence your practice of art in relation to this shift/change?
In the early 20th century there seemed to be a closer link between ideas in the arts and the sciences for instance. Some artists were made superstars and became infamous for their lifestyles and more famous it seemed after they died. Actually maybe nothing has changed that much except there are more artists now. Contemporary art takes on so many different forms and is for many different reasons that it is difficult to talk about it generally. I sometimes wonder why I do what I do and what is it for and I can only say for me, creativity is an important part of being alive and after trying different things in my life so far, this is where I am right now.
Do you think art education plays a big role in shaping our future generation/nation building? If yes, how?
Yes. I think art education is important as it develops a way of thinking that doesn’t seem to be covered so much in other areas. Working with your hands, making things, creating anything you want out of your imagination and thinking laterally are important I reckon.
Are there any role models that you’ve had (within/ with out art practice)?
I was involved in a performance company for a while and the director, a Malaysian actually, Tony Yap was not so much of a role model, because I didn’t want to be like him, but I learnt a lot from him and the way he creates is still inspiring to this day.
Who’d you like to meet (passed on/alive) if you had the chance to?
My great-great grandfather, Mohamed, Ryszard Kapuscinski, Joseph Beuys, Jesus, Antonin Artaud, Farish A. Noor, Wong Hoy Cheong.
What is the most recent book you’ve read?
Moby Dick and From Majapahit to Putrajaya.
Do you have a favourite superhero? Who?
I like superheroes who are part human, part animal or have some link with animals.
What would you be doing if you were not an artist?
Some kind of writer I think.
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