It was a blast making the video with the students and staffs at the school! Questions that are relevant to the content of this art event (mostly related to the art works that will be exhibited in the project) were asked randomly to the interviewees. Some of the responses were funny and unexpected, some serious and conventional. For those who have yet to watch it, please check it out!
Khoo Eng Yow, who was the videographer and producer, did an amazing job with the video. We are very grateful and appreciate his collaborative effort in making the trailer the way that we have envisioned it. Much sincere thanks.
Spoiler Alert: The puppet character, code name "Miss Cun" was a fairly big hit with the interviewees. It's definitely not that common to have an undercover agent to penetrate into the school and investigate a secret project with a scope like this. There were a total of 17 suspects being discovered initially, but ONE person was successfully identified in the end. A Form One student by the name of...hmmm...maybe it's best for you to find out by watching the video.
Side Note: On the same day that we were shooting the video, the students at the school were having a fund raising campaign at the atrium. They were selling candies to raise funds for the victims of the cyclone in Myanmar. Paper cranes were also hung in the atrium as a manifestation of their blessings to the victims.

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